Wednesday, July 24, 2013

family fun at the [fair]

I grew up going to the fair.  I don't really remember a time when we didn't go.  Through all my years dancing, I always danced at least one night during the duration and many times we would go to the fair more than one day.  For me, it just reminds me of summertime. 
The last time I went to the fair, I had a horrible allergic reaction to what I thought was the hay in the animal barns.  Flash forward a few years, and I have discovered a severe allergy to horses!! I haven't ventured to the fair in many years, but really wanted to take the kids this year.  BJ wasn't too thrilled to go, fairs weren't something he did growing up, but was agreeable anyway.  Of course, the night we chose to go, it was overcast and a storm was brewing...

I popped a Benadryl and a few cups of coffee before we decided to venture out.  Cash was thrilled!  We bought tickets to ride the rides (holy rip-off!!)  $10 for 9 tickets and all the rides take 2-3 tickets per ride...Well, it worked out anyway because the first ride he got on, he started yelling that it "went way too fast!!"  He was less than thrilled!

We checked out all the animal barns after our one ride while it was POURING rain.  Clara is such an animal lover!  Cash got a kick out of all the animals including a big, fat pig named Cash!  Clara said she wanted to go while we were checking out the pigs.  She kept pointing to them and sniffing saying "stinky"!  We opted out of the horse barn and my allergies were just fine!

Clara and BJ went on a carousel ride together.  Clara loved it!  I took lots of pics since BJ is actually KINDA smiling while he rides with his girl! 

He didn't want to ride the carousel instead wanting to play the games to win a gold fish.  Better luck next year, Buddy...we don't need any gold fish around here...

We ate burgers and hot dogs and headed home.  I would have to say, our first family fair time was a success...maybe next time the sun will peek out for us!

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