Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy 2014

This post has been sitting in my draft box for the last week.  I had such ambition and high hopes of keeping things up to date with the new year. Then along came Thursday after New Years and we were slammed with a nasty flu.  I swear, I haven't been this sick since before I had the kids.  I got it first and Cash got it a few days later.  Clara seems to have picked up a milder version of it as of yesterday.  We have been homebound for 4 days and I am going crazy!  Although, I must admit, I'm still not feeling much up to doing anything outside the house.  Whatever this crud is, it's a real ass-kicker.  Cash and I have both had temps of 101 at sometime or another.  I had horrible chills/bodyaches (thankfully Cash never complained of either one of those symptoms...so I am glad he didn't get that portion of it!)  and this nagging, hacking cough that he and I have.  BJ has so far **KNOCK ON WOOD** hasn't come down with it.  We are hoping at least one person can be spared ;)

Onto what this original post is for...twenty-fourteen! We were invited to our neighbors house to have snacks and drinks on New Years Eve.  They have two kids that are our kiddos ages and they all get along really well!  It's nice to have a family close by with kids the same age!  We lasted until 9 when Clara was over it, and we walked back home.  I didn't last til midnight (big shock!) I think the only time since kids that I did make it to 12 was when I happened to be up nursing one of the babies!  Maybe some year I will be able to stay up again! 

On New Years Day we decided to take a Jeep drive up to Hyalite.  We hiked a little ways up Grotto Falls until the kids got tired.  It was a beautiful day!  Angus tagged along and was able to be off  his leash for a bit and he was fully enjoying himself! 

On our way out, we stopped and helped FOUR stuck vehicles out of the snow!  I told BJ that we surely were starting 2014 off with some good Karma! 

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