Friday, September 6, 2013

{First Day of Pre-K}

Cash's first day of pre-k was this morning.  He was so excited.  We had an orientation for an hour this past Wednesday where the kids got to meet each other.  I had to wake up Cash this morning at 6:30 {go figure, right?...I NEVER have to wake up either of my kids!}.  We had picked out his clothes last night before bed and laid them out on his dresser so they were ready to be put on when he got up.  Sometimes he can be a tad "ouchy" when he wakes up, so I was hoping he wouldn't be upset that he had to go to school.  When I got him up, I told him that today was a school day, and he was stoked!  He even willingly put his school clothes on before heading to relax on the couch. 
We snapped pics before we headed out.  We chatted on the car ride over.  I thought that he may try to say he didn't want to go, or was scared, but he said that he was so excited to meet new friends!  We unloaded and went in where he found his chair in the hallway where his nametag was.  They set their backpacks on the chairs and head inside.  After he precisely set his dino back pack down he confidently walk into his class.  One of the teachers was having the kids sit down and pick a color to be on the attendance chart.  He chose orange, it's his favorite color.  He was so comfy right away in his classroom, so I felt like it was time for me to say goodbye.  I gave him a kiss and told him that I loved him and to have a fun time.  His response... "ok, Mom, I gotta get to playing now, bye."  Clara haphazardly hugged him and say "bye Cash!" and we left. 
All the kids were outside at recess when we got back to pick him up.  I gathered his art project that was drying along with his back pack as they were all heading inside.  He was walking with 2 other boys at the front of the line and started smiling real big when he saw me.  When we got in the car he told me that his favorite part was "circle time" where the teacher reads a book outloud, they had a snack (he only ate the crackers even though cheese sticks and apples were also offered) and he met a new friend named Addie whom he played "house" with!!  I asked if he met any other friends, he said that he played with "Henry, who has the same name as me!".  He told me that he was able to check out a library book (a dino one) and they did a few art projects.  He said "Mom, school is AWESOME!".  I am so glad he loves school so much!  This should be a fun year for him. 
We got sent home with a Scholastic book order form and a fund-raiser....who wants to buy cookie dough and brownie mix??

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