Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dear Clara...

Dear Clara,
 We just celebrated your 2nd Birthday!  I have such bittersweet mixed emotions about my baby being a 2 year old already.  I know more exciting things are to come but sometimes I wish I could freeze you in time just as you are right now.  There are so many things I completely adore about you.  I love your caring and loving personality.  So quick to make sure other people aren't needing anything that you have.  Whenever it's a snack time, you take something for yourself and always make sure there is one for Cash.  Generous with your hugs and kisses and "I wuv you, Mama's".  You are such a sweet balance to a house that seems to be over powered at times by your big brother.  You love him something fierce.  Now I see why even adult women adore their big brothers.  The bond is strong and I see the way you look up to him.  Always wanting to be just like him. 

Don't get me are sugar with a big streak of spice!  Quickly you are learning to hold your own with Cash.  I often find HIM crying because you have retaliated against him for stealing a toy that you wanted.  Just the other night I watched you pull him to the ground by the collar of his shirt in one swift motion.  Day by day I am witness to the sassy-ness that I know will be ever so strong come your teenage year. 

Whenever anyone asks you how old you are, a very loud and proud "chew" comes out of your mouth.  You have the cutest lisp.  A lover of Mickey Mouse.  Every morning when you wake up, we sit together in the dark and watch "nicky nouse" together.  You sipping your juice and me my coffee.  Often you put ni-night on my lap and lay your head down.  I love these times with you.  It seems that sometimes being a second child, I don't get as much time to get to know you as I did Cash.  That makes me sad, but I know I try to slow down and enjoy the times that we do have just us girls.  We now have 3 days a week together for 3 hours to hang out, run errands or just be at home.  I see your little personality really blooming during these times.  Not over shadowed by your overbearing big brother.  I think you sense it too, that it's our special time together without interruption.

You are such an animal lover!  Sometimes I don't know how you can be my daughter!  You are so happy to greet Angus in the morning.  And always offering up a good night to him before bed.  Often you run around the house yelling "hey Anus!"...He loves you too.  You are starting to be able to sit still for story time before bed.  I tried so hard in months past, but you were too busy and wiggly to be interested.  I can't wait for all the princess books and girly stories in our future! 

We celebrated all day for you on your Friday the 13th 2nd Birthday!  It was a preschool day for Cashy.  So after we dropped him off we went and met up with Nana at The Daily for coffee and treats.  You got to open your present from Nana and Grandpa.  UGGS!!  You loved your "doots" and clearly have no idea what a cool 2 year old you are for owning some!! It took me turning 30 to get a pair!  You quickly tore off your shoes to put on your new boots.  After we finished coffee the two of us headed to Cowlicks (the kids haircutting place) for a mini mani.  Hesitant at first, you quickly warmed up and hopped up on the chair next to mine.  You chose a lovely shade of hot pink for both of us.  Sorry, I had to pass on the lemon yellow you chose for me the first round ;)  Afterwards we headed back to get Cash from school. 

We met Nana, Grandpa, Grandpa Bob, Grandma Donna, Uncle J, Aunt S, Ryan, Evan, Aunt An and Brandon for birthday dinner at Mackenzie River Pizza.  We waited a crazy amount of time but you were patient and enjoyed FOUR breadsticks while we waited!  Finally about an hour after your normal bedtime...we headed home for cupcakes and presents.  We sang you Happy Birthday and you sat cute as can be with your hands covering your mouth.  I could faintly hear you singing "Happy to Cwara" a few times.  You blew your candles out like a champ. 

We just had your 2 year old well check the other day.  Your cried the entire time :(  I think the trauma of stitches in your finger earlier in the year has done you in with doctors.  As soon as the nurse called your name, you were a gonner.  They managed to check you over through the tears.  You are 24.6 lbs (22%) and 33 1/4 inches tall (42%).  Your head brains are growing so big!  You are in the 80%!  Right on track to be a tiny smart girl!  I remember Cash changing so much from 2-3 so I know you are going to grow and learn so much this year.  I give thanks for you every single day, sweet girl.  I love you more than you will ever know.


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