Monday, May 7, 2012

:::Weekend Happenings:::

We hung low this weekend. It was chilly, and windy and other than a few errands we stayed home and drove Dad crazy! I ran out with my friend Melissa with Clara on Saturday morning, leaving the boys to fend for themselves for two hours. "He never quits talking!" BJ says....welcome to my world, honey....welcome to my world! I got a break from dinner making both days, and BJ cooked dinner while I juggled the other night time routines sans kitchen duty :) By 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon I asked him if he was looking forward to going back to work Monday morning, there was no verbal answer, just a slight smile that said it all! Cash has been having epic tantrums lately, that usually end up with him staying in his room for a bit to cool down. Having a 3 yr old in your house is like living with a crack addict! One minute he is happy-go-lucky, playing nicely, and the next BAM!! He is throwing himself on the floor claiming that "his legs don't work!!" because his demands haven't been met quick enough. But even with all the tantrums and screaming fits that are quite common in our house these days, he is still a sweet boy with a big heart! I captured some of those loving moments this weekend, and I know when he is older, these are the things that I will remember the most! New Cash register! Endless playtime ahead :)
BBQ-ing with Dad in their aprons or "capes" as Cash calls them!
They do a nice job at ignoring me with the camera!
Lining his trucks up so nicely.....
Chunkster just out of the bath...
We have a (pretty much!) sitter!! She is strong enough to sit on her own, but is so dang wiggly she just wiggles til she topples! She has been doing this for a bit now, but finally can sit long enough so I can take a pic! I think she should get a lotion contract with these, yes?
Playing together before Clara hits the hay! She likes to pull his hair. He likes to give her kisses!
The sun is supposed to be out and warm for the next 3 days! Can't wait to slather on some sunblock and head outdoors while it lasts! Happy Monday!!!

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