Tuesday, May 15, 2012

::Clara 8 Months::

Another month has come and gone! And we now have a sitter and *almost* a crawler in the house. Just in the last few days, she has been pulling up her knees and trying to scoot. This mostly ends up in her shoving herself backwards, and a bit of a holler on her part. She can get to anything she wants by turning around in a circle, using her left leg to kick off from! Highlights from the past month.... *eating like a champ still (can't you tell?!) I think she is getting bored of her mushy baby foods, so as soon as she gets some teeth, her variety will open up. *Sleeping 4ish hour stretches at night still. Although, on Mother's Day she slept NINE HOURS STRAIGHT!!! What a gift to her Mama that was!!! *Champion napper! Doesn't even matter if I am talking on the phone, the lights are on in her room, anything...if she is tired, she will go down to sleep. She will even sleep at Mom and Dad's in the pack and play. *Very much in love with her ring and middle fingers on her right hand. If she is tired (especially) or upset, those fingers get popped in her mouth so fast! Then her left arm gets drapped over her right hand. Pretty cute if you ask me! *She has started to like to have a blanket with her when she is tired. No particular one yet, but if she is sleepy she will suck her fingers and rub a blanket on her cheek. *Loves Cash!! He is pretty much the highlight of her day! She searches him out if she can't see him. And laughs histarically out loud when he jumps in the air! *Starting to get jealous of big brother. Often in the am, they are up pretty close to the same time. If I dare put her in the swing to sit with Cash, she starts whining and staring me down. *Blows raspberries if she doesn't like what is being done to her. Just today in the car, Cash wanted a drink and all I had was a sippy cup of water that happened to be hers. When she saw that he was drinking out of it, she starting yelling and blowing raspberries. I think this is her way of giving the finger! LOL *SUCH a Mama's girl! Don't dare take her out of my sight, and she is screaming and crying. Makes it hard to get a small break unless she is sleeping! *Still won't take a bottle, so we have moved onto sippy cups. She likes playing with them, but still hasn't quite mastered how to tip it up and suck at the same time. It's a work in progress! *LOVES her bouncer. She jumps up and down in that thing like crazy! Instead of bearing any weight on her legs, she just jumps! *She is just the sweetest, easiest baby ever! Her personality is just blooming daily, and we are enjoying watching her grow.

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