Thursday, April 26, 2012

Childrens Museum of Great Falls

We were in Great Falls Tues/Wed with BJ. He had a safety seminar to attend so we tagged along. I almost backed out the day before since I felt like I needed to pack half the house just for an overnight. I figured I would get little to NO sleep between both kids. I went anyway with some convincing from BJ that a day away from cooking and laundry would be good for me. And boy was I shocked when both kiddos did really well! I found the Childrens Museum of Great Falls and decided to take them. It was super fun and I wish Butte had something so cool!! We had the place to ourselves, and stayed for an hour and a half. Right up until lunchtime when everyone was losing patients.
Even Clara got some playtime in...
They even had a pit filled with dried pinto beans....full of dino bones!!! This boy was in heaven!!
Cool river water to play with boats in...
The colors were so bright and cheery!
A whole bank set-up inside
Cash gave me a puppet show! That is his hand in the frog...
There was a full boat set up too. With a slide attatched
Clara playing Tic Tac Toe
Then big bro had to get in on the action...
So many fun things!!

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