Wednesday, April 11, 2012

7 Months

It was warm today, so I am EARLY by two whole days in this post..... Not a whole lot has changed with Miss Clara in the last month. She is trying to roll to places that she wants to go now....I fear crawling is right around the corner! Today I put her half way between the entryway and the kitchen with some toys. When I turned around she was in the kitchen grabbing at her chair. YIKES!!! She is becoming such a Mama's girl and the space between the two of us is quite small. She refuses a bottle, so I am moving past even trying to get her to take it. We are moving onto sippy cups. She got one from Nana and Grandpa in her Easter basket, and she seems to be taking a liking to it. She guzzled down some milk yesterday from it much to my surprise! She has no idea how to hold it though, probably because she hasn't had a bottle. It's a work in progress..... Clara is still not sleeping much at night. I am working on her getting a little longer in between feedings in the middle of the night. It's rough not getting sleep....EVER! She is my sweet pea and is a total joy to have around the house. She is in love with Cash and I love seeing the two of them starting to "play" more and more.

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