Sunday, October 17, 2010

bye-bye tonsils::

Friday morning we ventured to Bozeman Deaconess to have Cash's tonsils taken out. I was totally dredding the morning because of my sweet baby having to get surgery and put under, and because he was unable to drink any juice the morning of. We managed to survive both the juice withdrawal, and the surgery. We checked in at 7 and were swept off to a room for Cash to get his baby nightgown on for surgery.

They gave him some Vercet (not sure if that's how to spell it...) and he started to calm down and it had a drunk-like effect on him. I was able to ride on the gurney with him right up to the OR doors. The drugs had taken full effect and when the nurse took him from me, he didn't even give it a fight. The surgery lasted about 25 minutes, and before we knew it, we were in the recovery room with him.

After about an hour or so in recovery, we were wheeled to a room of our own. Tonsillectomy is usually an outpatient proceedure, but since he is under 3 they required him to stay overnight to be observed.

He amazingly well! I was shocked that not long after waking up, he was asking for juice and ate 3 cups of Jell-O! He was talking, and even, get this....ate a piece of pizza for lunch!! Who the heck eats pizza right after they get their tonsils out!!!

As you can see by the pics, he was given an IV in his foot, and he still thinks that the boo-boo he went in and got was in his foot, not his throat! But really, can you blame him?!? They sure wrapped it up tons! The other thing on his foot was for his Pulse-Ox. It lit up red and he thought that one was pretty cool, and didn't seem to mind it too much.

We all are very glad that he did so well, and we are back at home recovering! The doctor warned me that usually day 4 or 5 get worse again, so I am bracing for Tuesday and Wednesday this week. But as of tonight, he went to bed without a fight, and is only on Tylenol for pain. I keep asking him if he has a boo-boo and he just says "no" I guess he is doing well!! He is acting just like his old self, and for that we are very thankful!!!

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