Friday, July 18, 2014


This post is dedicated my nephew Ryan...
To know this boy is to know love.  Full of fire and humor and truly a heart of gold.  In a single instant he can be fiery and want to beat someone and then flip a switch and tell you he loves you while giving you one of his giant hugs.  Humor comes easy and without even knowing it.  A funny story...once he went along with Nana to meet tenant at a rental.  After meeting him, Ryan shook his hand and said "Patrick, do you smoke cigarettes?  I smell them on you."  To which Patrick claimed he didn't smoke, only to find out later that he actually did!  Five year old intuition for you :)
This past Wednesday night, we all ventured to the fair to watch Ryan enter into the world of Mutton Bustin'.  We had all heard about it for weeks, how he was going to hang on sooo tight so he could beat the 6 second clock and take home the coveted belt buckle.  Hot and dusty we all watched with anticipation of #24 straddling "Stink Eye"  behind the shoots.  As the announcer called out "next up, Ryan Spaulding riding Stink Eye"  our family erupted in whistles and applause for this feisty boy!  He gave it his all, hung on as tight as he could.  Stink Eye made a sharp right turn and he was abruptly sent to the dirt.  We clapped loud and hard for him...all of us proud of him for giving it a shot.  He was all smiles when he joined us all in the grandstands.  Saying how much fun he had and that he would be doing it again next year! 
Ryan, you are a pretty awesome little person and I love you lots.  Thank you for providing so much entertainment for our family.
Love, Aunt Betsy

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