Wednesday, March 2, 2011

MIA for a bit....but we're back!

Well...I am a massive slacker! I am sure all of you know by now, but baby #2 is on his/her way! I am due September 24th. I was feeling morning sickness...rather all day sickness for the last month. But I am now almost 11 weeks along, and not feeling sick at all. WOOHOO!!! I was exhausted and couldn't do much other than get Cash and I ready for the day and brave the grocery store.
Cash has been having some sleeping issues. Right about the same time we found out I was expecting again. I believe it may have been the good Lords way of saying..."um, you really ready for TWO!?" It's still unresolved, and after weeks of getting up 3 or 4 times a night with him to battle with him to go back to bed, I gave up! We moved out his toddler bed, and moved in the spare bed to his room. Now, I lay with him til he falls asleep and creep out. Not that quick tho, usually I fall asleep right next to him for an hour or two and stumble back to my own bed for a few hours until he wakes up again. We are getting more sleep this way, and although it's not an ideal situation, I am rolling with it for now! Hopefully in a few months he will have a little more reasoning and I can get him to stay in his own bed.
Cash and I are still working at the Belmont Senior Center two days a week. It is so nice to feel like I have some purpose here in Butte. The ladies are so nice and welcoming, and all the seniors adore Cashy. We work from 9-12 Monday and Tuesday and then join them for lunch afterwards. I told them last week that another babe was on the way, and they were pretty excited. Even asked how long I was gonna take off after I had the baby, and making sure I was bringing both kids and coming back to work! They gladly said they would hold and take care of the new baby while I was working! Pretty cute :)
Well, that's the catch up for now. It's still cold, and we are impatiently awaiting spring to come to Montana. It will be so nice to get outside with Cash!

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