Wednesday, August 15, 2012

{Red Lodge}

BJ had to be up at Mystic Dam last week, so we tagged along and had a mini vacation in Red Lodge.  A few weeks before, I was telling BJ that I really wanted to go there this summer.  It's such a cute little town, and I always love going over.  After packing up what seemed like half our house, we were off!  The kids did really well for the car ride over.  We stopped in Bozeman for a break which helped out quite a bit.  We stayed at the Yodeler Inn, and Cash LOVED it!!  The kids slept really well!  We hung out in town for two days and then on the third day we drove through Yellowstone to hit Hebgen Dam on the way home.  We had lots of fun and it was super nice to get out of town for a few days!!

I asked Clara to smile while she was crawling towards me....this is what I got!

                                                    Cash jumping from bed to bed...
Throwing rocks with Dad in the creek before we headed out to dinner...
Mama deer with her babies in town.  Cash was pretty excited to see them...
                                   BJ took the car up to Mystic so we were left strollering it around town.  We found a park and the kids had a fun time swinging and playing around...

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