Monday, February 13, 2012

::5 Months::

The latest installment of Clara June and Jenny!

So....the skinny on Clara at 5 months old....

*She is eating solids like a champ! She is eating:apples, pears, bananas, butternut squash, peas, green beans and avacados. Nothing so far (knock on wood) has been rejected. She eats breakfast and dinner and somedays she gets lunch (just starting this week.

*She is laughing out loud! I can tickle her pits, and kiss the rolls on her neck and she lets out this cutest squeel! She smiles lots, and is still such a happy, content baby.

*Clara loves Cashy!! I swear the days that he is at school, she looks for him. Cash talks right in her face and she eats it up. She really loves her big brother.

*She "talks" to BJ when he gets home from work. Everynight, without fail, they have a little convo, just the two of them. She holds her own....

*I keep waiting for the time I can write....actually scream...that she is sleeping at least a large chunk of the night. However, it still isn't true. She goes down around 6 (early I know...) but any later and she really just can't handle it. In the last week she has done a 4-5 hr stretch then goes right back down. Then like clockwork is up every 2 1/2-3 hrs til the am. She still doesn't think her Mama wants or rather NEEDS much sleep. I would like to think that someday in the very far future she will have a baby just like her....content and happy, but up all night!

*Clara tries so hard to roll from back to tummy, but just can't quite get it. She tries and gets real mad when she can't do it. I think it's coming soon...stay tuned.

*She is now reaching for things. Sophie is a common toy in her hand these days. She also reaches for BJ and I's fingers to put in her mouth. She is trying to bite. If she was my first kiddo, I would be all "I think she is teething!" but, live and learn, she's not teething, just likes it :)

We love her! She is a sweet, healthy and happy girl and we are so glad she joined us 5 months ago! Sometimes it feels like we were just finding out "he" was actually a "she" but in other aspects, I can't really remember life without her. Funny how that happens, huh?

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