Sunday, January 22, 2012

Clara...4 Months

Clara is 4 months already!! She had her check-up on Thursday. She is growing like a weed and healthy as can be :) She is 14 lbs 1 oz and 24 1/4 inches long. Right in the middle of the growth charts. I am still exclusively nursing her, and it's proving to be good for growing girls! We did start rice cereal for dinner last week. I dilute it down pretty heavily with breastmilk so once she realized what it is she perks right up for more bites. It didn't take her long to start opening her mouth for more when she sees the spoon coming her way!
Clara is still an easy baby for me. She is mellow and as long as she is fed and clean, you don't hear much out of her. I wish she was sleeping for longer stretches at a time, but I know if I am just a tad more patient, she will get there. I usually give her dinner around 4:30/5:00 ish, and then she gets in the bath. After nursing again around 7ish, she is off to bed. Her longest stretch of sleep is from 7 til about 10 or 11. After that, she is usually up every 2 hrs til morningtime. Of course, she is able to take a lenghthy nappy in the morning! However, it allows me to get Cash and I ready and tidy up the house before she is up for the day.

I still feel like she doesn't get the kind of attention that I wish I could give her. I guess the old saying is true...the squeeky wheel gets the grease. In this case, the talking, louder kid in the house gets most of the attention. When she eats right before going to bed at night, she often falls asleep. I carry her to her room and stand with her for a minute. Feeling her breath close to me, and trying to hold on to her and remembering that in an instant she will grow so fast. Trying desperately to remember it all, and to keep in mind that during crazy days when I didn't get to do all I wanted to do, this is the life and the family that I have always wanted.

Happy 4 months to my baby girl.

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