Nana got flashed a few gummy smiles yesterday! Cash is usually the receipient of smiles from Clara, but today I finally got mine!! And then I finally got to catch one with the camera after lots of coaxing :)
We went to Rocky Creek Farm in Bozeman on Tuesday afternoon. Nana, Aunt An, Aunt Saralyn, and the Spaulding boys joined us. It was pretty much a perfect fall day, and the kids had a great time!
We loaded up for the hayride pulled by an old tractor and headed out to the patch. The boys were pretty excited to get to ride and could hardly wait to get out to pick their pumpkin.
Clara rode in her wrap and took a nap the entire time we were there. I love that thing!
The tractor headed back after a few minutes it seemed like, and we opted to stay in the pumpkin patch. The boys had so much fun playing around and it made for a delicious photo-op of a few little shorties I know :)
Nana with Evan. Isn't he getting so big?!
Ryan and Aunt S got to help the farmer drive the tractor back!!!
We also got to visit with some piggies and chickens. The boys got a kick out of the pigs.
Here are a few snapshots from earlier this am. I had her propped up in the Boppy and she was looking out the sliding glass door. No smiles yet, but I just know they are coming soon!
Clara June is one month old already! She had a 3 week check-up last week and was weighing 9 lbs already. Our doctor said that she didn't have to ask how she was eating, since she was gaining lots of weight, and had a nice double chin. Clara is a really good eater (much better than Cash ever was) and is an all around easy going baby. She only cries when she gets her diaper changed. Even in the middle of the night when she wakes up hungry, she just makes some small noises. She can sleep though a crazy 2 1/2 yr old running like a banshee around the house. Other than eating and sleeping, she doesn't do much else to report....
She is getting her monthly pictures taken with Jenny, my first Cabbage Patch doll from when I was a little girl. These are her original clothes, and she was well loved for a long time.
It was chilly and rainy yesterday so Cash and I decided to do some Halloween baking. By the end of the day we had made Halloween sugar cookies, cupcakes and a cake to take to Bozeman on Sunday.
These pics were snapped tonight after both kids had been bathed and jammied up. Clara really seems to like tummy time, and Cash likes chatting with her while she lays on our bed. I haven't gotten a pic with both kids and I yet, and even though I look a tad (or more than just a tad..) haggered, it's still kind of cute...
It's pretty fun getting Clara dressed in the am. She is pretty much like my real live doll :) I think every am, I say to BJ "look how cute she looks today in this outfit.." He doesn't look now, he just says "yep." Geez!!! This dress is a 3 months, she still fits in 0-3 months sizes, but I am betting not for much longer. I think she is on the tall side because she seems to be outgrowing the footed stuff much faster. Girlfriend also has some chunky thighs on her already! The Luvs diapers that I always put skinny Cashy in seem to be leaving marks on her legs. Huggies are the best for her, which were always on the bigger side for big brother. Well, I got off the subject now didn't I?! Here are the pics of the pretty, pretty girl! By the way, she has gotten much lighter in the last few days...Uncle Bobby wanted to know if she still looked like she had been spray tanned...So, no Uncle Bobby your niece is looking like a nice Montana white girl ;)