Thursday, May 6, 2010

18 Months::

I thought since Cash has hit the year and a half mark, I would do a monkey picture. Easier said than done with a boy who, I believe, is entering the "terrible 2's!" I attempted yesterday with Mom to take his pic, but he kept throwing the monkey this am I tried again with a little better luck!
We go to the doctor next week for his well baby check so I am not sure of all his "stats" but I will give you a rundown on his abilities! lol
The good news is that he no longer (knock on wood) rises at 4 am every morning!! He usually gets up around 6:30, just in time to tell Daddy bye. He still refuses naps, but will fall asleep in the car or stroller. It seems like he learns new words daily, and lately his vocab has rubbed off on Ryan. A fav between the two of them is "HOT"... It's pretty funny actually. Cash says: Dada, Mama (only sometimes, I am often called by a scream!) dog (and woofs), Dutch (Uncle Justins dog) uh-oh, more, Nana (for my Mom), ball (but it's doll..) toast, hi, bye, night-night (for his beloved white blanket). This white blanket goes EVERYWHERE with us, and nobody but him and I are allowed to touch it! I often carry it all day in the house and out at the store. :)
Cash also can blow kisses, give hugs and kisses. He can also show you where his nose, mouth, teeth, ears, hair, fingers, and tummy are. His FAVORITE show is "Yo Gabba Gabba" and waves his arms in the air when he wants to watch it (which is like 50 times a stinkin day!!) he also opens and closes his hands when he wants to watch "Blues Clues". I think he may have a future in the culinary arts! He loves to cook with all the pots and pans. After cooking up some toys, he comes to get me and tells me that its HOT. Pretty cute!
As you can see from the pics, he is quite the ham when the camera comes out. I think I will have some funny pics of him for the next few months. He just got another top tooth a few weeks ago. I think he has some molars coming in now, but it doesn't seem to be bugging him too much.
Well, that is the run-down of his 18 month birthday :)

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