After the parade we headed to Bozeman for the festivities. It was a super gorgeous day and warm. Mom made a yummy dinner and had planned doing fun games outside. However, mother nature had other plans and a storm blew in with nasty wind and rain for a bit. After the boys bathed and got jammies on, it was almost time for fireworks. Cash even got to bathe with baby Evan! He thought it was pretty cool. Ryan broke his arm last week, and can only have sponge baths so he didn't get to join the boys in the tub. Ryan managed to stay up for the entire fireworks display, but Cash was actually ASKING to go to bed.....Aunt An was sick and didn't make it over for all the fun, and we had to have our yummy drinks that Mom usually makes without any alcohol (pregnant and nursing moms). So it wa a little different that 4th of July pasts, but I think everyone enjoyed themselves!
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