This Friday was my Dad's birthday. 56 years young. Exactly 50 years older than the two older boys. Which they think is pretty awesome. I, on the other hand, think that my Dad is pretty awesome in general. When we were growing up, Dad was the one that meant business. When threatened with Dad, the three of knew that we needed to shape up. The threat of a size 10 boot up your ass generally made us stop in our tracks. I have witnessed over the last six and a half years a transformation of this man that I never thought was possible.

I have witnessed, over the past six and a half years, this man transform and soften. He was working in Big Sky the morning Cash was born. When Mom called him to tell him that his first Grandson had arrived, he left work and came straight to the hospital. Eager to meet the next generation. In the early morning hours the day Clara was born, he met us at the hospital to take Cash home. Then arrived back later in the morning to meet his {only!} grand daughter. Layers of his rough demeanor being pealed away after each Grandkid was born.
{grandpa and Cash}
{grandpa and Clara}
Grandpa is Cash's favorite person in the whole world. His fishing buddy and youtube watching partner. If Gramps is around, nobody else matters. Clara runs to him to give him hugs when she sees him. I didn't have a Grandpa that I would ever want to touch or hang out with. They were hardened and never soften with our presence. Cash, Clara, Ryan and Evan have no idea how lucky they are to have a Grandpa like him.
Those deep wrinkles that have grown over time from a life spent outside have not hardened him. They have grown in a way that has softened him overtime. Time spent with 4 little kids and 3 grown kids that love him more than anything.
Happy Birthday, Dad