So I sit down to write the first blog of the year and wrap up another years past. I just poured myself a glass of pinot, a reward of sorts for surviving the day and peacefully tucking in two small kids for the night. Sometimes looking back upon the year that has slid by can seem like not much goes on from day to day.
But I figure a year that starts out with this....

...and ends with this, isn't really all that bad.

We *survived* another year in Butte, America. They call it that, not I ;) While the town itself has still not grown on me, since, well I will be's NOT Bozeman, some of the people I have met have. I would hate to admit outloud that I have begun to put down roots in this god-for-saken town, but to make my life run a bit smoother day to day I have tried and succeeded to meet some friends. A small group of other transplant, stay-at-home Moms and I now have eachother to lean on and bitch to about the weirdness of this town. We often get together for playdates throughout the week, and now have a monthly "mama needs a night out with other girls and a few or three cocktails" look forward to. And while none of these other girls is my family, (that I miss terribly on a daily basis and wish with all my might I could see them all more often) I feel some sort of bond with them.
Cash has grown tons in the last year. We watched a video of him from last year and laughed. We thought he talked to well!! It's so weird to have a full on conversation with the kid!! He is starting to say things like "wow, that's cool" or "hey mom watch this, it's so awesome!" Apparently he has learn the jive talk in the last year. His attitude has also grown plenty in the last few months! Terrible 2's aint got nothin' on terrible 3's....just sayin'! All in all I can't complain, he is a sweet boy and loves his baby sis to pieces. Cash's biggest accomplishment this year was being potty trained! Woot! Got him outta diapers with a few months break in time to have baby sissy come along.
BJ traveled at least once a week most of the year. He still really likes his job. Too bad it's in Butte is an often comment around here. Ok, from my mouth....not his...
It was the year of babies in this family. Welcoming our daughter and a new nephew were the highlight of the year. Signs that everything is changing and nothing ever stays the same, no matter how much it feels like nothing changes at all.
So with an almost empty glass of wine in my hand....
Cheers to you two thousand one-two!