Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Well...how creative you are!
Seriously....this kid thinks outside of the box. He said that his jammie pants were falling down since he didn't have any undies or a diaper on. This was his solution. Pretty creative if you ask me!

**Let It Snow**
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Cash Henry is 3!!!
Cash turned 3 on November 5th. A whole 3 years old already!!! Seems that he was just Clara's size not that long ago...
Cash 3 weeks old, Thanksgiving 2008

Cash on his 1st Birthday

Cash on his 2nd Birthday

...and his 3rd Birthday

Cash got up opened his present from us, a kid camera! He is always wanting to use mine (YIKES!) and so I found a V-Tech camera that is fully encased in....rubber! He seemed to like it :) He had 4 friends over for a birthday party during the day. I let him chose the menu. He chose pizza and for his cake, he wanted chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. We had a pinata and played Pin the Tail on the Donkey. It was pretty funny!! Later in the afternoon, Nana and Grandpa came over and we had dinner with them. Again, I let him pick what we would have: chicken, rice, broccoli and carrots. Funny, huh?? He has become fond of broccoli since watching Olivia. Imagine this in a song...."look at me...I'm broccoli!!!" haha! Anyway, he eats it up, so I love the song too...
We went in for his 3yr well check. He is a whole 31 lbs and 39 inches tall. Right at the 50% mark for weight, and 80% for height!! Tall and skinny still. I can barely get the kid to eat on a daily basis. But his beloved "treat cup" full of milk is always a favorite. I often fill it with Carnation Instant Breakfast on days when he eats NOTHING.
Cash knows all his colors, and can count to 12 all alone (although leaving out 7 most times...). He is an awesome big brother and LOVES baby sister Clara June Cope as he calls her! The other day we were driving home from Bozeman and she was screaming because she was hungry, so Cash decided to growl really loud at her like a Dino...he thought it was making her feel better. He has a good heart :) Dora, Dino Dan and Bearnstein Bears are his current favorite cartoons.
He is a mini chef in the kitchen. He loves helping me cook and bake. Living in Butte, makes for long, boring days, so we often bake cookies and other treats to pass our time. He plays well with his little friends that he has made. I am pretty sure his favorite pal to play with is Grandpa Hugh! Everytime we head to Bozeman, he asks if Grandpa will be home or at the shop. I think it helps that they can be men together, Grandpa has given him a special pocketknife to have at their house, and they are often in the garage "donging" nails.
Cash has FINALLY started to sleep through the night. Thank the good Lord!! He goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00. Sometimes earlier, we take advantage of the fact that he can't yet tell time! He is a very early riser, like 5am early! I didn't mind before Clara was born, but it seems she is always up around 4 for a feed and then he is up right after I get her back down.
Cash is growing into such a cool little person. The little quirky things he says, and does just make your day. In the last 3 years, I haven't loved so much, been so frustrated, or prayed for patience on a daily basis, but I wouldn't change it all for anything! I love my little Cash Henry :)
Cash 3 weeks old, Thanksgiving 2008

Cash on his 1st Birthday

Cash on his 2nd Birthday

...and his 3rd Birthday

Cash got up opened his present from us, a kid camera! He is always wanting to use mine (YIKES!) and so I found a V-Tech camera that is fully encased in....rubber! He seemed to like it :) He had 4 friends over for a birthday party during the day. I let him chose the menu. He chose pizza and for his cake, he wanted chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. We had a pinata and played Pin the Tail on the Donkey. It was pretty funny!! Later in the afternoon, Nana and Grandpa came over and we had dinner with them. Again, I let him pick what we would have: chicken, rice, broccoli and carrots. Funny, huh?? He has become fond of broccoli since watching Olivia. Imagine this in a song...."look at me...I'm broccoli!!!" haha! Anyway, he eats it up, so I love the song too...
We went in for his 3yr well check. He is a whole 31 lbs and 39 inches tall. Right at the 50% mark for weight, and 80% for height!! Tall and skinny still. I can barely get the kid to eat on a daily basis. But his beloved "treat cup" full of milk is always a favorite. I often fill it with Carnation Instant Breakfast on days when he eats NOTHING.
Cash knows all his colors, and can count to 12 all alone (although leaving out 7 most times...). He is an awesome big brother and LOVES baby sister Clara June Cope as he calls her! The other day we were driving home from Bozeman and she was screaming because she was hungry, so Cash decided to growl really loud at her like a Dino...he thought it was making her feel better. He has a good heart :) Dora, Dino Dan and Bearnstein Bears are his current favorite cartoons.
He is a mini chef in the kitchen. He loves helping me cook and bake. Living in Butte, makes for long, boring days, so we often bake cookies and other treats to pass our time. He plays well with his little friends that he has made. I am pretty sure his favorite pal to play with is Grandpa Hugh! Everytime we head to Bozeman, he asks if Grandpa will be home or at the shop. I think it helps that they can be men together, Grandpa has given him a special pocketknife to have at their house, and they are often in the garage "donging" nails.
Cash has FINALLY started to sleep through the night. Thank the good Lord!! He goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00. Sometimes earlier, we take advantage of the fact that he can't yet tell time! He is a very early riser, like 5am early! I didn't mind before Clara was born, but it seems she is always up around 4 for a feed and then he is up right after I get her back down.
Cash is growing into such a cool little person. The little quirky things he says, and does just make your day. In the last 3 years, I haven't loved so much, been so frustrated, or prayed for patience on a daily basis, but I wouldn't change it all for anything! I love my little Cash Henry :)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Clara 2 months

Clara had her 2 month check-up yesterday. I was dreading this day to say the least since I made it. Not because I don't like taking in, but because it meant...SHOTS! Makes me so sad to see my babies in pain, and it seems that those dreaded shots bring out cries like I haven't ever heard before. She must be one tough little thing though, because although she cried, it didn't last long. Must be those delicious chunky thighs she is growing that cushioned the blow?! She got a dose of the Rotavirus (I think that's how it's spelled...) which is in liquid form. My little eater slopped that up like no other!! The nurse was impressed by her mad sucking skills while she didn't even drop a single drop on her face.
Clara is weighing in these days at 11lbs even and 22 1/4 inches long. She is starting to stay awake for longer periods of time although still doesn't like to go more than 2 hrs without a snack of milk. Hoping for some MUCH needed sleep in the next few weeks. I am pretty sure Cash was going a tad bit longer stretches at night by this amount of time, but I can't really remember. Smiles are coming more and more, and Cash usually gets most of them. Although, BJ has been getting lots of smiles lately when he comes home from work. She is getting more alert to her surroundings, and perks up at all noises that big brother makes. She is starting to hold her head up more and more, and I got some super cute pictures of her holding it up and even smiling over the weekend :)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Cash was super excited for Halloween this year. When he woke up he asked if he could go out trick or treating since it was dark out! Then got upset when the sun came out, knowing that he couldn't go out anymore! He got the chance to dress up for several activities this year so he got plenty of chances to wear his "hunting suit". We dressed up Friday for Storytime at the library, went to Dylan's 2nd Birthday party in Helena on Sunday, and went trick or treating at the mall with Addie, then Daddy's office. Then he got to go trick or treating around the neighborhood with BJ after dinner! He got more candy than any small child needs, and we will be getting rid of that at his birthday party!
Here is Cash ready to go out with Dad...

Posing with Clara before heading to the mall...

At the mall...It was crazy busy...

Clara snoozed most the time in her stroller, then woke up when we were heading out...

Cash thought handing out candy to other kids was just as fun as going to get his own, everytime a kid would come to the door he would open it and say "trick or treat" to them! It was pretty cute!!!

And here are the kids getting ready for Dylans party. They had the party in their garage, so we had to bundle up Clara. Big brothers bear suit was the perfect costume.

Here is Cash ready to go out with Dad...

Posing with Clara before heading to the mall...

At the mall...It was crazy busy...

Clara snoozed most the time in her stroller, then woke up when we were heading out...

Cash thought handing out candy to other kids was just as fun as going to get his own, everytime a kid would come to the door he would open it and say "trick or treat" to them! It was pretty cute!!!

And here are the kids getting ready for Dylans party. They had the party in their garage, so we had to bundle up Clara. Big brothers bear suit was the perfect costume.

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