The boys were pretty busy this weekend around the house. The baby things have been out of storage and in a heap in brothers room for a few weeks now. I have been wanting to get the room set up and going so I am not caught off guard should he arrive early. The room is a funky shade of orange/terra cotta, and with the house being a rental I didn't really want to paint. So we are working with what we've got. A surf theme is what I chose for babys room. I have picked up a few things while in Bozeman over the last few months. I think it should be pretty cute once it's all up. So BJ with the help of Cashy set up the crib on Sunday. It was the only chore I couldn't do myself. All I need is to find a dresser now. I scored one for Cash for 5 bucks at a garage sale so I am on the hunt for another deal! Cash needed to try out the crib once it was up. He seemed pretty excited that baby brother would be here soon to sleep in it. Let's hope that excitement keeps up!