Baby brother got a ni-night! Cash has his *beloved* ni-night that MUST go everywhere with him. We cart it in the car whenever we leave, and he can't go to bed without it. It is a basic thermal blanket with satin trim...the ones we all had as babies. IF you can find them they are only like 12 bucks. Problem is, you can't hardly find them anymore! I searched and searched for 2 yrs to find a backup ni night and haven't found one that has real satin on it. Aunt Tina found one that looks the same but isnt satin trimed, it's some fake stuff (I should know...I was severly attached to pink me-me for YEARS!!) that never was up to par for Cashy either. I fear the day we leave ni night at home on an overnight trip or leave it at Nanas house. I would literally drive back home to get it, or to wherever it was left. So since I got pregnant I have been on the search for a ni night for the new baby. Some raving idiots on EBAY are selling them for upwards of $100...um...not paying that for a $12 blanket! So we were in Missoula for Mother's Day. I was in Dillards shopping for shirts for Cash when low and behold...BLUE NI NIGHT with REAL SATIN!!! I am happy to say that for the price of $12.99, baby brother now has his own! Best part is they are different. There was one pink and one blue, and now looking back on it, I could have made a sweet profit had I picked up that pink one and joined those raving mad women online by selling it! I am sure there is a desperate mother out there that would have paid top dollar for a replacement...(let's face it, if Cash totally lost his, I would totally pay anything for a new one!!)
Cash is getting into the "I can do it myself" stage. Today it was making chocolate milk. He said he had a tummy ache and it would make him feel better. How could I argue with that?! So I snapped a shot (on the floor...not an easy task these days I might add...) He watched a little Dora and downed the super chocolatey milk in about 5 minutes. Afterwards he boasted "my tummy is much better now!"
Here is a shot of my 20 week belly. I don't post this because I want to show off my belly. I just want to remember what I looked like with this little guy growing in my tummy. I feel like I don't have a lot of pic of me pregnant with Cash, and I guess sometimes you just want to remember. As I look back on this blog over the last 2 yrs, there are so many activities or just snippets of our life that have become a distant memory already. I am glad to have this blog to look back on!
The other pic on here is just Cashy being lazy this am. He wore underware for about 3 hrs this morning and peed twice in the potty before having an accident. We are making progress. He is much more enthused to pee for BJ than me...kinda doesn't work out since I am home with him all day tho...we will get there!