The newest member of the Spaulding clan made his apperance on April 10, 2011. Born right at 37 weeks, weighing 5 lbs 8oz and 19 inches long. He has a tad bit of black hair like the other boys and looks a lot like his Mama. Evan is such a tiny little guy and looking at Cash and Ryan, it's hard to believe in two short years he will be as big as they are! Although, with big brother Ryan, and Cash around him he will most likely be tough as nails and ready to roll with the big boys in no time!
We were in Bozeman the other day, and Cash was finally able to meet his new cousin. Due to flu season and RSV, kids under 12 weren't allowed at the hospital when he was born, so this was Cashy's first meeting. He loved him! Cash was super gentle, and would just whisper "hi baby Evan"... and "baby Evan can't walk yet." Cash can say his name pretty well, although most times it comes out Effin instead of Evan. I was able to get some super sweet pictures of the newest member of the crew and his oldest cousin.
Welcome to the family Evan Daniel! We can't wait to watch you grow and get to know you! We love you sweet baby boy! Congratulations to Justin, Saralyn and Ryan!!