It is New Years Eve today, and what better time to do a top 10 list of things/events in 2010 for the Cope Fam!
{1} BJ got a job at PPL, MT after being laid off 18 months!!
{2} Moved to Butte, MT (see reason above!)
{3} Cash started walking (can you believe it was just earlier this year!!)
{4} We ditched my 94 Cherokee and got a brand new Jeep Rubicon
{5} Cash had his tonsils out
{6} I lost 12 lbs from walking! (BJ also lost 10 lbs...from getting E.Coli!)
{7} Spent lots and lots of fun holidays, weekends and evening at my parents house
{8} Cash talks LOTS....actually he rarely isn't talking or yelling these days!
{9} We took Cash on his first camping adventure. Nobody slept!
{10} Got a new camera to take billions and billions of pics of one Cash Henry, to share with all of you on the lovely blog!
We hope you all have a great 2011!! Who knows what the new year will bring, but I will continue to blog and share lots of pics with you all! And after reading this list, I think my hubby needs to take Cashy and I on some kind of vacation this year :)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas Morning

We lucked out on Christmas am and Cash slept til almost 7! We made it to bed around midnight after getting home from Bozeman, and putting out the Santa loot. We actually got up before Cash, and I told BJ this will probably be the only Christmas this happens (until he is a teenager that is!). When I went in his room I told him that Santa had come and left him some presents. He then told me "NO SANTA" and didn't want to come out to the living room. We quickly realized that to a 2 year old a scary Santa coming to your house in the middle of the night can be kinda frightening. So we told him he was gone and after a few questions of "santa gone?" we headed out to check out the bike and stocking gifts. He was pretty excited for the bike and didn't seem too interested in his stocking. It was a nice Christmas and I think fun was had by all!
Christmas with the Copes
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Saralyn started a new game on Christmas last year. She wraps a gift in several boxes and we draw numbers as to who goes first. You have to wear welding gloves and have 30 seconds to get the wrap off the paper. The box is wrapped in another box, and so on. Dad was first and got it going, it only took Andrea a few seconds to get into the actual gift.....a snuggie! HA She seemed to like it and wore it for the rest of the evening...
A Christmas with two little boys!

Christmas Eve was spend with the Spauldings in Bozeman. It was soooooo much fun with Cash and Ryan this year! They would get a little stopped up when they would open a present that they wanted to play with. They both got awesome loot from everyone, and a favorite gift from Grandpa seemed to be a hit with two Dads as well!
After dinner the boys got dressed up in new Christmas jammies that Nana had gotten them. So cute!! By this point in time, the pair was so sick of having flashes in their eyeballs, they weren't up to more pics. It was a fun Christmas had by all for sure!
Christmas Eve Coffee at the Leaf and Bean

I am not sure when this got all started, but for years us girls have met up at the Leaf and Bean for a cup of coffee on Christmas Eve. I think it got started when I was working at Hallmark, or maybe even Albertsons and usually had to work on Christmas Eve day. I will tell you a funny story that happened two years ago.....We reminise about this now every year, and imagine we will in years to come! So, two years ago I had a teeny tiny newborn. I was a new Mom and, quite frankly didn't know my head from my butt, and had a VERY difficult time getting out of the house. So on this particular Christmas Eve, I had a nursing baby that wouldn't eat and was being fussy. I showed up in my jammies with uncombed hair and a beanie on my head to cover my crazy hair. I also had one cranky little boy with me, that had been hurried along to nurse, so gave us dirty looks the entire coffee time! Cash and I were quite the sight to say the least!!!
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Blog Archive
- Top 10 of 2010
- Christmas pics from Moms camera
- Christmas Morning
- Christmas with the Copes
- A Christmas with two little boys!
- Christmas Eve Coffee at the Leaf and Bean
- Lefse....a longer process than other years...
- Yo Gabba Gabba
- Living the high life
- Someone loves doing the dishes
- Bozeman Christmas Stroll