So I thought I would write a post about my sweet Cashy and the things that he is up to as a 2 year old! Now, this may be braggy because, well, we think he is the cutest, smartest 2 year old around....you've been warned...haha
He had his 2 yr old check up on Thursday and he is now 25 lbs and 9 oz and 34 3/4 inches tall. He is in the 60% for height and 23% for weight. He is gaining on height and remaining on the skinnier side, which wouldn't we all rather be a little taller and skinnier?!?! He has gained 5 lbs in a year, and 5 whole inches!
I am certain he is going to be the winner of Top Chef 2025 someday! He LOVES playing with the pots and pans. I literally clean up the cupboards 20 x's a day....it's my hope that I can have a personal chef one day! The weeesk (whisk) and spoons are often scattered throughout the house and he loves dunching (dumping) things back and forth in the bowls. We cook dinner almost every night together, and he cuts the scraps of vegis or whatever we are having with a butter knife on his little cutting board. He is quite the helper ;)
Sentences are starting to flow! He uses 3 or 4 words together and lets us know exactly what he wants. I often feel like I have a foreign exchange student in the house, because I am trying to figure out what he is saying and translate for others! Notice that the pic says "dos"?? Well, that's because when you ask him how old he is...the reply is always "DOS"... I am not sure where he got this from but when we count he always says "one, dos". And for some reason says agua for water. See...smartest 2 year old you know too, right? HAHA
He is sleeping much better after his surgery! He even....get this....NAPS!! I am finally getting a break during the day after a year of a non-napping kid! It's great! Now, he won't just lay down in his bed and go to sleep. So we usually take a quick cruise around the block and he crashes out. I am able to transfer him to his bed without him knowing a thing. He is usually asleep for and hour and a half or two before waking up. For some reason he is in a terrible mood when he gets up from a nappy...not sure why, but I have gotten used to it! After surgery he started sleeping completely through the night and it was fab! Although this week he has started getting out of bed with his nigh-night (blanket) and Bubba. He POUNDS on his bedroom door yelling "MAMA". Now I wouldn't mind if it was, say, 6 am, but he has been waking up at 4am! I think the daylight savings has messed with his little head, and this week we will try to tweak things a little. Wish me luck!!
We go to the library every Friday and he gets read stories and then does an art project afterwards. He looks forward to using the markers and scissors. It's kind of the highlight of my week too! It lasts about an hour, and slowly he is coming out of his shell while we are there. He even yelled out "WOO WOO" when the ladies asked if anyone knew what an owl said! It was pretty cute :) We make trips to Bozeman at least once a week and he loves playing with Nana and always looks for Nine (Ryan) while we are there.
He can identify and say what sound all kinds of animals say. Cow, horse, cat, dog, owl, goat, sheep, bunny, bird, frog, etc. I am bragging, I know! He also has quite a sense of humor and likes to tell me that he sees deer or moose out his window while we are driving. Then laughs when I tell him that I don't see anything. He can almost spell his own name. He knows the letters just gets them mixed around. This week he started saying Cash Cope when you ask him what his name is. Then proceeds to say; mama cope, dada cope, nana cope, nine cope. Little confusing I suppose!
I think that is as much about him that I can fill out! At the moment he is making hot meat and hot dogs on his hot dog truck that we got him for his birthday.
I love that little boy so so much, and am thankful that I get to be his Mama :)