My baby has gone from a baby to a little onry little boy over night! He is crawling all over and getting into everything! He still army crawls and is really fast so I don't think he will actually get up on his hands and knees. He is trying to pull up on the table and couch and can walk a few steps in between the couch and table when BJ and I are sitting right by him. Cash loves walking around if we are holding his hands. I don't think it will be much longer til he is walking around on his own. Making BJ ever so happy, he likes to babble "dadadada" not quite in reference to BJ but he is making the sounds. I'm waiting for my mama to come out of him! Cash's newest thing is giving kisses. Not when you ask for them though. Pretty much only when he wants to. He loves giving BJ kisses first thing in the morning. It's pretty cute!
We are no longer on baby food. Oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast is a favorite, along with soup and pb&j for lunches and dinner. He is drinking less and less formula and we can't wait til the one year mark when we won't have to buy it anymore :) You saw in my other post that he learned to hold a bottle, which is fabulous!!! Especially when driving it has become handy that I can now hand him a bottle instead of reaching over the seats holding it for him. We are still holding strong at two bottom teeth. He has been rather cranky this whole week, and sleeping through the night has stopped this week leading me to think that the top two are on their way in.
I can't believe that November is fast approaching, I am reminded everyday when the mornings are cooler and the leaves are starting to change. Soon I will be planning a first birthday party. Happy and sad all at the same time.