We had an eventful August with Cash. 8 Months was full of milestones. Cash learned to crawl!! It's actually an army crawl, but he is REALLY fast at it. We have officially baby proofed our house. BJ finally broke down and put up the baby gate to the downstairs. Cash also grew a tooth! He actually is getting the 2nd one in this week, but as far as his 8 month milestones go, he only had one last month. He got a tooth, started to crawl, got an ear infection, and stopped sleeping through the night all in about a 10 day span! Talk about a work increase for me :) His ear infection cleared up with a bought of amoxocilian. I still have no idea why he is not wanting to sleep through the night anymore....His doctor said to just let him cry it out, however this breaks my heart and I have not been able to do it. He had his 9 month well baby check up this last Friday, and he is 18 lbs 2 oz, and 28.5 inches long. He is in the 13 percentile for weight and 52 percentile for height so looks like he is on track to be tall and skinny like his dad! He grew 4 inches and gained 4 lbs in 3 months.
He has been eating more and more tablefood and enjoys animal crackers and cherrios :) He has also likes yogurt for breakfast. We had about a week or so that he refused all baby food, which was kind of tricky to find food for him to eat, but then a week or so later, he decided that he liked baby food again. Whatever works I suppose.