So I know that I usually write about the latest happenings with Cash, and post a pic or two but I thought I would write tonight about an small glimpse into our outing today. I know that this is small in the large scale of being a new Mom, but...well I will just get on with it!
I was meeting Mom and Andrea at Costco today to pick up a few things. I have decided that Cash works best in stores now when he is on the front pack. He can people watch which he has grown quite fond of these days. So Costco goes off without a hitch and then I needed to go to Target to get a few things and check for a new baby item I have stumbled upon, a swaddling blanket :) But I digress...
Andrea was getting one hour photos done at Costco, so the 4 of us decided to go over to City Brew for a cup o joe. Cash was being a good boy for a while staring at the lights like he loves to do, and staring at the people. Maybe burning a hole through people is a better description. So, by this time it's pouring rain outside. A certain odor is coming out of one little boys pants at about this time....and what do you know City Brew must be the ONLY place in town that doesn't have Koala Kare. Dang! I decide that I will just head to Target and change him there.
After I unbuckle him from his carseat (as he ever so kindly helps me by screaming and arching his back) I decided that the best bet is to just change him in the Jeep. So I crawl in the back with him, and change his diaper. Now the rain is really coming down, and I would have just packed him back up and gone back home, but I decided that I have just changed his diaper in the car so I best just go in and get the few things I need.
By chance (or laziness, whatever you want to call it) I have an umbrella in the Jeep!! What are the odds?? So I load him in the front pack and try to back my large post-pregnancy butt out of the Jeep. Side note: the doors in the back of the jeep are not wide in the least bit! I get us out with only a few raindrops on us and put up my handy dandy umbrella.
Target doesn't have the swaddle blankie that I was looking for, but I found an adorable "aloha shirt" and other things that were not on my list but I picked up anyway. I hate this about Target, I cannot leave without spending $50 bucks it seems. So about half way thru, Cash gets real fussy. I cant take him out and just wear the pack while pushing the basket, so I finish shopping while walking and bouncing a sight I am sure. I give him all 3 of the clean Paci's that I have with me, only to have all 3 spitted out on the ground. But he finally goes to sleep, and I can't bear to take him out and put in back in the carseat where he will inevitably start screaming again. So I cruise the aisles of Target aimlessly while he takes a small snooze.
I finish shopping and collect the diaper bag, Target bag and umbrella. Cover him up as best I can with the small blanket that I have brought along. Halfway out the blanket is now dangling and attached to him only on his shoe. It is still pouring rain. I again climb into the Jeep carefully trying to not wake him, or get him all wet. I knock my head on the door frame of the Jeep and my sunglasses (why I have them on my head I don't know...it's raining) under the SUV parked next to me. By this time Junior has awaken and is mad. I manage to get us in the back of the car and into his carseat. Not without a small back arch session and yelp. I have no clean pacis which usually helps a tad bit in these situations. I retrieve my sunglasses from under the neighboring car and head home.
All this "adventure" for a blanket that Target didn't have, and a few items that I could have lived without. These stories are a dime a dozen when you are a Mom. I honestly didn't imagine when I got pregnant that a seemingly small outing would take this much time with an infant.
So......thank you Mom for taking not just me, but Justin AND Andrea out to simple places. I now know that nothing is a simple outing once you having a child in tow.