Here are Cash's 4 month pictures with his monkey friend. I can now sit him up on the couch and snap a few pictures before he topples over! As you can see from all these pics, he is not really interested in smiling for the camera. He is either chewing on his fingers, (a new thing he has learned) or looking at me like I am the biggest idiot for shoving the silver box in his face :)
He had his 4 month well baby check yesterday and the new stats are: 12lbs 10 oz 23 1/2 inches long and a 16 1/2 head circumfrence. His height and weight are in the 10 percentile (I was happy he was even on the charts!!) and his noggin is in the 50 percentile. Smart boy with big ol brains is what his doctor says!! He also can start on rice cereal. So included with his monkey pic are some from his first taste of solid food! He has also been moved from his pack in play in our room, to his crib in his own room. We put him in there last night, and he slept really well. So looks like BJ and I are getting our room back to ourselves :) He also can hold his head up really well during tummy time and has learned to roll over from his tummy to his back. He is trying really hard to get from back to belly, and gets real mad when he can't quite do it. His one arm seems to be holding him back.
So....this has been quite a big week for Cash. Just the start of many changes, and new things to learn. Hope you all enjoy the pics.