Here are some more Christmas videos. BJ
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
New video
This is BJ. My parents were nice enough to give us a new Flip video camera. Here is a video of Cash playing with his basketball hoop and wearing his MSU shirt, both presents from "Uncle Coach" (Bobby).
Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Dinnertime, bathtime...

Thought these pictures were pretty funny from tonight. Cash was hamming it up for the camera, as usual! I think Cash may be a lefty like Uncle Justin and Aunt Andi. He feeds himself with his left hand when I give him a spoon and holds his bottle with his left hand too...We just HAD to take the spoon into the bath too!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
A visit with Santa
Friday, December 11, 2009
O' Christmas Tree

The tree went up last week. I didn't know how this Christmas would be since a certain busy body little boy lives here. We got a 5 ft tree and ornaments adorn the top 2 ft of it. The less temptation the better! So far Cash has been doing ok with it. He likes the lights and if I turn my back he has the bottom stringer off and in his mouth! eek!
Cash and Daddy
Thursday, December 3, 2009

This years Thanksgiving was a little different. Cash had the flu for about 4 days leading up to the holiday. He was running a fever of 101 for a few days, and after a trip to the doctor, it was decided that he was contagious and shouldn't be around Ryan. So Justin, Saralyn, and Ryan went over for lunch, and we headed over to Mom and Dads for dinner. It worked out. BJ and I were sad that we wouldn't be able to have Thanksgiving at all, but luckily we were able to celebrate with part of the fam. Mom took this pic of us outside, and I thought it was a pretty decent family picture :)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A few more b-day pics

I just downloaded some pics from our computer that I had taken in the last week or so. I found some more birthday pics that I thought I would post. These are the ones I took early in the morning when he woke up. The Caterpillar truck is what BJ and I got Cash. It makes a horn noise, and starts up and sounds like a real engine. He likes to walk behind it rather than ride on it!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Happy Birthday to my Cashy....Happy Birthday to You!!

Well, the first birthday has come and gone. We had a mini party on Cash's real birthday with my parents, Aunt Andi, Uncle Jus, Aunt Saralyn and Ryan. Grandma made him a cake, and he opened presents. Then the shindig was on Saturday. All his little friends came, and it was pretty fun to watch all the little ones. They are all at different stages, and it really shows how much babies grow over one years time! Cash enjoyed his birthday cakes and all his presents. It was a pretty fun party, and he was in bed at 6 that night!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
12 Month Monkey Pic

My oh my where has the last year gone????? I knew this post would be coming and I feel sad and happy about Cashy turning 1. I was at first really sad that he was a whole year old, but the more I thought about it, I am happy. He is sooo fun to be around, and I know that better things come with him getting a tad older. Plus I was looking through his old monkey pics from the first few months, and I guess I really don't miss the newborn stage that much!
So, on to Cash. The most common question asked is "is he walking yet?" No, not quite, but he is getting braver and braver everyday. He used to only walk with us if we held both hands, and now he will walk with just holding onto a finger or two. He crawls like a maniac, and has learned to climb up the stairs really fast! I am going to try to teach him to slide down on his belly, even though BJ thinks that it probably won't happen. :P
He has become quite the chatterbox as well. He gets stuck on certain words and uses them over and over. This week seems to be "uh oh". He uses it ALL THE TIME, he drops things on purpose and the yells uh oh, or says it for no reason at all. Any kind of meals or snacks are usually all over the floor when he is done and then he says uh oh. He also just says "OH". So if you show him something he says "oh" or if it something he really likes its more of an "ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh"!! Pretty funny. He can also growl like a bear when you ask him what the bear says. And he just started woofing like a dog when you ask him what the dog says. My parents have a dog, Jack, so if you ask him what Jack says he also woofs. The other day when we went to see Lauren and Jackson, I told Cash that we were going to see Jackson and he started woofing! It was pretty cute. He is also really into saying "hey", to everyone. We will be in the grocery store and he will yell hey to people until they look at him and say hi, then he smiles and laughs. He is quite the people person for sure, a trait I think he did not get from his Dad..... ha ha. Cash also babbles dada lots. Yesterday we were cruising the mall with Aunt Andi and Grant and Cash was saying dadadada the entire time.
So, this will be the last monkey picture. I only planned on doing it for a year, and I must say, it was tough finding 12 different spots to take it! I will post more pictures of Cashy tomorrow on his actual birthday and pictures of his party on Saturday. :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Cash's 1st Halloween

It's a long standing Spaulding Family tradition to have chicken pot pies on Halloween before Trick or Treating. We always had them when we were little. Even when I was moved out on my own, I would make them for myself on Halloween, and when BJ and I were dating, we would also have them. Cash LOVED his first taste of chicken pot pie!! After dinner, it was bath and time to dress up. I took him over to Grandma and Grandpas house for trick or treating. BJ stayed home to pass out candy to the neighborhood kiddos. Then we took Cash across the street to trick or treat. It was very fun!
Cash and Jackson
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