This is BJ. I wanted to post this video. Cash sometimes likes to lay on the floor and wiggle around. Sometimes he likes to lay on his belly and practice picking up his head and turning it around, which causes his legs to come up and he does kind of a superman pose. Sometimes he just lays on his back and squirms. He had hiccups when I took this video.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Cash and Jackson
So for some of you that may or may not know, my friend Lauren had her baby boy Jackson on Dec. 7th. Lauren and I worked together at CBO. She was actually due in November, and me in December, but our boys had other plans in mind! Hers was the December baby, while Cash was the November baby. Lauren brought Jackson over to be watched while she took her finals this week. So I took some pics of the boys together. It will be nice for them to grow up together! Hopefully they get along when they are older!! Jackson was over 8 lbs when he was born, so these pics kind of show how small poor Cash really is. :) Hard to believe one is 6 weeks and the other is only a week and a half....
Friday, December 12, 2008
No More Weight Checks!!
So I took Cash in for his weekly weight check yesterday. He is now 6 lbs. 4 oz. :) The doctor said that there isn't a need to come in every week to check him. He is good to go until his 2 month check-up. He even wore his first "newborn" outfit today! I think he is getting longer, they didn't measure him, but he is kind of getting too long for some of his preemie clothes. His wardrobe will quadruple when he gets big enough to fit in newborn clothes!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
3 Week Check-Up
Cash went in for his 3 week check-up on Wednesday. He now weighs 5 lbs. 10 oz. So he is an ounce bigger than his birth weight! He gained 5 oz in 5 days, so that is a relief to me! He is starting to stay awake longer, and has been a pretty good baby so far. We have gotten pretty lucky!! As I type this entry, he is sitting in his vibrating chair just looking all around the room. We went to my Mom and Dads for Thanksgiving so I will post some pictures from that. My friend Jenn in CA got him the bib, totally adorable!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
So as most of you know by now, Cash Henry Cope has arrived! I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday afternoon, and all checked out just fine. I was measuring 1 cm dilated. My doctor thought that maybe I would deliver 1-2 weeks early, but apparently Cash had a different plan.
I woke up several times during the night, just from being uncomfortable as usual. I was having what I thought was Braxton-Hicks at about 5am so decided to get up early for the day. After I got in the shower, I woke up BJ and realized that my water had broken. So we decided to get our things together and head to the hospital. I still didn't have a whole lot of pain, and wasn't completly sure this was the real deal! We got to the hospital at about 7am, was checked and found out to be 3 cm. After laboring for less than an hour, I had progressed to 5 cm. About an hour later I was 8cm, and pretty much 5 minutes later, and 3 contractions, he was born! It all went by so fast!! I managed to do it au natural, and even if I wanted to have drugs (which I never planned on anyway) there wouldn't have been time.
Cash was 5 lbs. 9 oz. and 19 in long. He is technically a preemie since he was born at 35 weeks. They consider 36 weeks being "full term". His APGAR scores were all 9 and 10 which was great for a 35 weeker. He was the talk of the nursery considering how well he was doing for being a little early. *proud mama*!! We are having to stay a few extra days in the hospital due to his size. They want to keep an eye on him, which is fine with me. He is currently breastfeeding every 3 hours, and also having a supplement of 15 cc's of formula to keep his weight up. We feed him with a pinkie in his mouth to suck on, and a syringe full of formula. Just so he doesnt get confused while breastfeeding. He has been eating really well, and has only lost 4 oz so far. He was looking a little jaundiced this morning, but after the pediatrician checked his levels, they were in the normal range. He was also taken in and circumsized this afternoon. Poor boy!!
I was officially discharged this afternoon. The hospital has a "ooarding mom" program, so I am able to stay in the room that I have been in, and be with him. They offer this as a free service while your baby is still in the nursery. I happened to score a room with a double bed, so BJ has been able to stay in the room fairly comfortably with me! This may be up for debate with him though!!! So all and all everyone is doing well. We hope to have him come home on Monday, so we will be in the hospital at least through the weekend. Will keep you all posted.
I woke up several times during the night, just from being uncomfortable as usual. I was having what I thought was Braxton-Hicks at about 5am so decided to get up early for the day. After I got in the shower, I woke up BJ and realized that my water had broken. So we decided to get our things together and head to the hospital. I still didn't have a whole lot of pain, and wasn't completly sure this was the real deal! We got to the hospital at about 7am, was checked and found out to be 3 cm. After laboring for less than an hour, I had progressed to 5 cm. About an hour later I was 8cm, and pretty much 5 minutes later, and 3 contractions, he was born! It all went by so fast!! I managed to do it au natural, and even if I wanted to have drugs (which I never planned on anyway) there wouldn't have been time.
Cash was 5 lbs. 9 oz. and 19 in long. He is technically a preemie since he was born at 35 weeks. They consider 36 weeks being "full term". His APGAR scores were all 9 and 10 which was great for a 35 weeker. He was the talk of the nursery considering how well he was doing for being a little early. *proud mama*!! We are having to stay a few extra days in the hospital due to his size. They want to keep an eye on him, which is fine with me. He is currently breastfeeding every 3 hours, and also having a supplement of 15 cc's of formula to keep his weight up. We feed him with a pinkie in his mouth to suck on, and a syringe full of formula. Just so he doesnt get confused while breastfeeding. He has been eating really well, and has only lost 4 oz so far. He was looking a little jaundiced this morning, but after the pediatrician checked his levels, they were in the normal range. He was also taken in and circumsized this afternoon. Poor boy!!
I was officially discharged this afternoon. The hospital has a "ooarding mom" program, so I am able to stay in the room that I have been in, and be with him. They offer this as a free service while your baby is still in the nursery. I happened to score a room with a double bed, so BJ has been able to stay in the room fairly comfortably with me! This may be up for debate with him though!!! So all and all everyone is doing well. We hope to have him come home on Monday, so we will be in the hospital at least through the weekend. Will keep you all posted.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Cash Henry Ultrasound Pictures

Ok I think I have figured out how to post these pictures. We had an ultrasound on October 17th. He weighed 4lbs 9 oz. They say the babies grow half a pound a week, so he is working on getting nice and big! We were even able to get a few 3-D pictures of him, which was so cool! His skin is not bumpy like it looks like in the pictures....Looks like he has his mama's chubby cheeks! We can't wait to see him in person, especially to see if he has red hair!!! The ultrasound tech said that he has lots of long hair already, looks like he will be getting his first haircut soon. :)
First Post
Hi Everyone!
I thought I would create a blog for everyone to check out since Cash will be arriving soon. I will try to update with the latest happenings and pictures of the little guy! I will even try to get BJ to write on here too. :)
Only five weeks until my due date, so the countdown is on! I am very ready for this baby to be here. Although he can't come too soon, his room is far from being ready for him. Mom will be over this week to paint. And she is also making the valance today for him. When I start to think about it all that needs to be done still, 5 weeks is not enough time!!....I guess I better get on it!
I will try to post his ultrasound pictures on here for you all to check out. I am a bit of a greenhorn on downloading pictures and stuff....BJ is in Chicago for the AC/DC concert this weekend, so he isnt here to help me out.
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
I thought I would create a blog for everyone to check out since Cash will be arriving soon. I will try to update with the latest happenings and pictures of the little guy! I will even try to get BJ to write on here too. :)
Only five weeks until my due date, so the countdown is on! I am very ready for this baby to be here. Although he can't come too soon, his room is far from being ready for him. Mom will be over this week to paint. And she is also making the valance today for him. When I start to think about it all that needs to be done still, 5 weeks is not enough time!!....I guess I better get on it!
I will try to post his ultrasound pictures on here for you all to check out. I am a bit of a greenhorn on downloading pictures and stuff....BJ is in Chicago for the AC/DC concert this weekend, so he isnt here to help me out.
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
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